Norsk Kinesisk Vennskapsforening

The Norwegian Chinese Friendship Association (NCFA) was founded in 2018 with a mission to develop and nurture people to people relations between China and Norway. United in our now globally intertwined world and in our quest for the betterment of humanity and global peace – it is vital, now more than ever – to create initiatives that contribute in building knowledge through development of a more nuanced and broader understanding of our two countries and to facilitate people to people exchanges between our countries in the all sectors of society. With the current geopolitical challenges with increased east-west polarization driven by a legacy media that increasingly shows itself to be in-ward looking and propagandized – we need now more than ever – initiatives that contribute to create opportunities for people to people exchanges between our two countries in all sectors of society.

Prosjekt utveksling

We faciltate people to people exchange between diverse entities in our societies

"China Norway Reach Out"

Unique musical cultural exchange between Norwegian and Chinese Musical Academies

1954 til 2024

In the coming year (2024) our two countries will be celebrating 70 years of diplomatic relations. Norway was one of the few first countries to recognize the PR of China (1949) and to establish diplomatic relations in October of 1954 and our embassies were established soon after.

Read more about the development of China Norway and their Diplomatic Relations


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