Cultural Exchange

China Norway Reach Out 2018

The China Norway Reach Out Project 2019 was a unique China Norway Cultural Exchange Program as the first project in our cooperation with the China Peoples’s Association with Foreign Countries . It provided a platform for young Chinese It provided a platform for young Chinese and Norwegian professional musical talents with the opportunity  to  perform together in both Norway and China. The Launch Project – China Norway Reach Out 2019 included young musical talents from Xi’an Conservatory of Music, PR of China and music students from the Norwegian Academy of Music (Norges musikkhøgskole) and from the Department of Music at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU).

The China Norway Ensemble gave performances at the ERAS Festival in Oslo and at the Trondheim Centre for the Performimg Arts. The program also included a visit to Stiklestad Cultural Heritage Center at Verdal, where Verdal Junior Spellmannslag comprising some 35 young violinists from age of 14 to 18 had the opportunity to learn about Chinese traditional music and to play together with the Chinese music students.

CN Reach Out Part I
CN Reach Out Part II

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